Located in Guysborough County, Nova Scotia, the Torbé region includes four villages: Larry’s River, Charlos Cove, Port Felix and Lundy.
The Torbé region was established by Acadian families from Chezzetcook in the late 1700s.
Located in Guysborough County, Nova Scotia, the Torbé region includes four villages: Larry’s River, Charlos Cove, Port Felix and Lundy.
The Torbé region was established by Acadian families from Chezzetcook in the late 1700s.
To learn more (available in French only)
To Discover
- Savalette Festival
- Parc de Nos Ancêtres
- Tor Bay Provincial Park
- Place Savalette, National Historic Site, Port Felix
La Société Acadienne de Torbé
P.O. Box 24
Larry’s River, Nova Scotia B0H 1T0