Tag: Stages
Starr's Point
Previously known as Côte-des-Boudreau, Pointe-des-Boudrot or Village-des-Michel, Starr's Point was probably the largest settlement in Rivière-aux-Canards and a significant embarkation site for the ...
The Rivière-aux-Canards Look-off
Located along the road, the Rivière-aux-Canards Look-off is a popular stop to enjoy a spectacular view of the Minas Basin and Rivière-aux-Canards area, once occupied by the Acadians.
French Cross of Morden
Long called French Cross, the village of Morden and its cross are a testimony to a people's battle for survival. It is on this beach, during the winter of 1755-1756, that 300 Acadians from ...
Belle-Isle Marsh
Thanks to archeological work carried out in 1960, the remains of a pre-Deportation Acadian dwelling were located. Known as one of the first Acadian permanent settlement sites, the Belle-Isle Marsh ...
Annapolis Royal Historic Gardens
With a total area of 17 hectares, the Annapolis Royal Historic Gardens opened in 1981 to enhance the town’s historic heritage.
Fort Anne National Historic Site
Located in Annapolis Royal, Fort Anne, formerly known as Fort Charles, is built in 1629.
Sainte-Famille Cemetery
Founded in 1698 in the current town of Falmouth, the Acadian Parish of Sainte-Famille is the second parish of the Pisiguit region.
Fort Edward National Historic Site
The British settle and build Fort Edward in Pisiguit (present-day Windsor) in 1750. On September 5, 1755, Alexander Murray, Commander of the Fort, reads the Order of the Deportation and holds ...
Grand-Pré National Historic Site
A significant gathering and memorial site, Grand-Pré has been named a UNESCO World Heritage site and as such represents true recognition of the entire Acadian community.
Bloody Creek National Historic Site
The Battle of Bloody Creek is a remembrance site where two military conflicts took place between the British and the Acadians, along with their Mi’kmaq allies. The first battle took place in June ...
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