The Fédération acadienne wishes to extend its sincere thanks to funding partners and the following people, who contributed to the realization of this project:
Canadian Heritage
- La Commission du tourisme acadien du Canada atlantique
- Susan Surette-Draper and Sally Ross, authors
May Bouchard, Bernice d'Entremont, Père Maurice LeBlanc, Jean-Louis Robichaud, Charlie Dan Roach for having accepted to share their experiences through interviews
Louis Gélinas, for sharing certain photos
Mr. Calixte Duguay, author-composer and editor, as well as the Société du droit de reproduction des auteurs compositeurs et éditeurs au Canada
The French Government, as well as Nicolas Jego, Ludivine Larcher, Sonia Idir and Pauline Naillon, interns and coordinators of the project